Sidney Should Be Here

Sidney was a bright, talented, engaging 18 year old general science student at the University of Victoria.
- She died a preventable death -
The systems designed to protect her allowed her to die.

Opioid poisoning is the leading cause of death in our youth in BC. This province has done little to help protect our young people who may occasionally experiment with, or inadvertently be exposed to drugs that are contaminated with deadly fentanyl.

We have written an open letter asking the BC government to do more to stop the deaths:

In June of 2024, UVic officials conducted meetings of the Senate and of the Board of Governors. We contacted these bodies prior to their meetings to advise of the deaths on campus and how they were being handled. The university president speaking at the meeting of the senate delivered false information to the meeting attendees. We provided corrections to this information, and we asked the university and the president to correct these false statements. Listed just below are the interactions we had with the university:

View Letter submitted to UVic President, Senate, Board of Governors
June 4, 2024
Do you have an opinion about how UVic handled this?
Visit this page to read more about it and send them an email

Vancouver Sun article: Fentanyl poisoning on UVic campus
May 16, 2024

Freedom of Information laws in Canada: A failed system

There is an opioid crisis in BC and Canada

We must do more to stop our young from dying.

Sidney should be here.
Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria – January 29, 2024

Explore these important initiatives:

Sidney should be here.

On January 23, 2024, University of Victoria campus security responded to Sidney with enough time to save her.
They were trained in CPR and carried nasal naloxone.
Instead of acting right away, they waited 9 minutes before giving naloxone, and 12 minutes to start CPR.  The 911 operator took 3.5 minutes just to figure out a location on campus before she even asked what was going on.

If this is what can happen with 911 and campus security, a university can turn into  a death trap for your student if they suffer a life threatening emergency while on campus. 

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  1. I’m sorry to hear about your tragic loss. I want to thank you for your efforts to make a difference…

  2. I am saddened to read comments by Vancouver Sun readers that have only read parts of this story, and/or feel…

  3. « If this is what can happen with 911 and campus security, a university can turn into a death trap for…

  4. I’m so sorry to read about the tragic loss of your daughter Sidney, it’s so heartbreaking. And thank-you for creating…

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss, Caroline. I can’t imagine your grief and anger. Meite and I have…

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